What is the correct performance length at festival? How many selections must be performed?
Ensemble Type
Class B, C, M
10 minutes
8 minutes
Class A
15 minutes
10 minutes
Should I play all movements in multi-movement selections?
How do I prepare the music for the Adjudicator(s)? Can I give them a photocopy?
• For Concert Events, all choral scores given to adjudicators must be original publisher or legal electronically printed music. There is no penalty for providing a duplicated score to an adjudicator in an instrumental concert event.
• The use of legal electronically printed music is permissible in all WSMA Festivals.
• In addition, teachers and students should follow all applicable copyright laws and rules in providing appropriate music for the performers.
Can I find the WSMA Festival Music on-line?
How do I get permission to perform a piece?
In order to submit a permission request for an event, the event must have permission allowed. (This is indicated in the event header in the Festival Music List.)
What if my music is an alternate edition (publisher) than what is on the list?
Can I use e-Print music?