While the WSMA Festival Music List is comprised of over 6,000 approved titles for performance at district and state Solo & Ensemble Festivals, many of our events also permit the music teacher to submit a request for their students to perform a selection that is not included on the list. The events are designated in their header as being “Permission Allowed” or “Permission Required.” Additionally, teachers may also request to use an alternate edition of a selection included on the list.
WSMA receives approx. 1000 permissions each year, so processing can take several weeks. You are encouraged to submit your permission and alternate edition requests as early as possible, even though the official deadline is 6 weeks prior to your festival. This deadline does not apply to music transfers.
Need assistance determining the recommended class for submitting selections to the music list, student compositions or permissions? Please use this document as a guideline.
Music Transfer
In events designated “Transfer Allowed” music from another event list may be used as a performance option. It is not necessary to send transferred titles to WSMA for permission.
Permission Request
In certain scenarios, teachers may submit a request to use music that is not included on the WSMA Festival Music List.
- The event being entered is designated “Permission Allowed” or “Permission Required” in the header of the event music list.
- Student Original Compositions – Original compositions written by currently enrolled students may be submitted in all WSMA events, including those designated as “No Permission or Transfer.”
- Need assistance determining the recommended class for submitting selections to the music list, student compositions or permissions? Please use the Class Guidelines document.
- Consider submitting original student compositions to the Student Composition Project before submitting as a permission. The composition itself will not be judged at Solo & Ensemble, just the performance of it. Students interested in having feedback on their composition should check out the Student Composition Project.
- Special Needs – Music may be edited or adapted by the teacher to accommodate a student’s special or exceptional needs that have been verified by school officials through a formal identification process. A full explanation for the editing must be submitted along with the music.
More Information/Submit a Permission Request »
Alternate Edition Request
Teachers from WSMA member schools may submit a request to use an alternate edition of a selection on the current WSMA Festival Music List. If the music submitted is deemed comparable, written approval will be granted for its use at festival.