WSMA is excited to be able to offer unique learning opportunities directly to students. These workshops and resources are designed to allow the student to explore topics from potential music career options to exciting music enrichment opportunities.
Want to know more about this year’s Solo and Ensemble Festivals? Click here for details about this year’s program.
Enjoy beat boxing, close harmonies, and independent voice part singing? Participate in this year’s WSMA Aca U program.
Looking for an extra challenge outside of your school music ensemble rehearsals? Audition for a State Honors Music Project.
Are you currently in grades 4-12 and interested in composing music? Visit the Student Composition Project webpage to learn about submitting your compositions(s).
Interested in songwriting, electronic music, composition or improvisation? Read about and share these Classroom Workshops (lead by Wisconsin composers) with your school music teacher.
WSMA thanks The Les Paul Foundation for its ongoing support of music education initiatives!