Use this general timeline to help keep track of important dates, deadlines and activities throughout the year.
View current school year calendar >>
- Permissions – due 6 weeks prior to festival
- District Solo & Ensemble Festival registration – due 4 weeks prior to festival (in WSMA Festival App)
- Professional learning opportunities
- Order/restock WSMA awards – available year-round; allow 2+ weeks for turnaround
August / September
- Summer professional learning opportunities
- Complete WSMA membership enrollment (one per school membership)
- Update contact and school information
- District Solo & Ensemble Festival dates posted
- Concert Festival dates posted
- Access WSMA Festival Music List
- Review altered and retired selections from last year’s WSMA Festival Music List
- Review WSMA Festival Rules and rule changes
- Review WSMA Accreditation requirements and deadlines
- Register for festival manager workshops
- Check State Solo & Ensemble Festival information
- District Solo & Ensemble Festival registration for fall festivals opens (in WSMA Festival App)
- Order/restock WSMA awards – available year-round; allow 2+ weeks for turnaround
- High School State Honors Music Project registration opens
- Festival manager workshops
- High School State Honors Music Project registration closes
- Middle Level State Honors Music Project registration opens
- Student Composition Project registration opens
- District Solo & Ensemble Festival registration for spring festivals opens (in WSMA Festival App)
- WSMA Aca U registration opens
- Order WSMA awards – allow 2+ weeks for turnaround
- Middle Level State Honors Music Project registration closes
- High School State Honors Music Project auditions
- Order WSMA awards – allow 2+ weeks for turnaround
- State Solo & Ensemble Festival registration opens (in WSMA Festival App)
- Middle Level State Honors Music Project auditions
- Order WSMA awards – allow 2+ weeks for turnaround
- Student Composition Project awards ceremony
- Marching band schedule posted
- State Solo & Ensemble Festival registration closes – due 3 weeks prior to festival (in WSMA Festival App)
- Middle Level State Honors Music Project auditions
- State Solo & Ensemble Festivals (last Saturday of April)
- Student Composition Project registration closes
- Order WSMA awards – allow 2+ weeks for turnaround
- State Solo & Ensemble Festivals (first Friday and Saturday of May)
- Check WSMA Festival Music List change schedule
- Complete next year’s WSMA membership enrollment (one per school membership)
- Clinic experience registration closes on June 15
- Summer professional learning opportunities
- Complete next year’s WSMA membership enrollment (one per school membership)
- High School State Honors Music Project camp
- Summer professional learning opportunities
- Complete next year’s WSMA membership enrollment (one per school membership)
- WSMA Aca U